A Convert to Christianity Needs Help

“Thank God for Christians in America.” DHAKA, BANGLADESH — Life is hard for Muslim converts to Christianity in Bangladesh, but for people with disabilities, it is almost impossible. That is why Christian Freedom International works among the poorest, disabled converts...

CFI in Forbes: The Pakistani Refugee Crisis

Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan, and Senior Fellow in International Religious Persecution with the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, discusses, in a Forbes article, the plight of Pakistani...

Christians Under Attack in Egypt

The following report is exclusive to CFI from direct sources. CAIRO, EGYPT – In recent weeks, open persecution of minority Christians in Egypt has increased alarmingly. Muslims are making it known that the practice of Christianity will not be tolerated. In two...

Honor Killings on the Increase in Pakistan

CFI Field Staff, Pakistan LAHORE, PAKISTAN — In the Muslim nation of Pakistan, according to reports, more than 500 women are brutally killed each year because of “honor.” While no one knows the actual number of women murdered each year, most analysts believe the...

Nepal Cracks Down on Christianity

CFI, Nepal KATHMANDU, NEPAL — When most people think of Nepal, they think of Mt. Everest. But in the shadows of the Himalayas, Christianity is growing rapidly. The land-locked nation of Nepal between China and India was, until 2006, the world’s only officially Hindu...

Persecuted Christians Outnumber Communists in China

“It is a political fear for the Communist Party, as the number of Christians in the country far outnumber the members of the party…” By CFI Field Staff With population of more than 1.3 billion people, China is the world’s most populous nation. Officially, Christians...