Remember the Persecuted in Egypt

Remember the Persecuted in Egypt By a CFI co-worker in Egypt CAIRO, EGYPT — This past February, there was brief, worldwide attention on the plight of minority Christians in Egypt as ISIS militants brutally beheaded 20 Egyptian Christians (and one from Ghana). The...
Christian Asylum Seekers Need Our Prayers

Christian Asylum Seekers Need Our Prayers

Christian Asylum Seekers Need Our Prayers “ . . . these persecuted Christian, urban refugees scrape by in limbo, more vulnerable than refugees living in a refugee camp.” By CFI Field Staff BANGKOK, THAILAND — After receiving numerous death threats and beatings from...

Their Blood Cries Out

Current headlines run red with Christian blood. As I write, two groups of Ethiopians have been slaughtered by ISIS murderers in different parts of Libya. This follows a mass execution of 21 Christians in Libya earlier this year. Add to that the deaths, mostly...