Free Asia Bibi Aasiya Noreen, or “Asia” Bibi, is a Christian woman awaiting “death by hanging” in Pakistan. This 42-year-old, impoverished mother of five is accused of “blasphemy.” She has been in prison on death row for nearly five years. Asia’s nightmare began in...
In February 2013, Yusuf Ibrahim was arrested for double murder in Jersey City, New Jersey. But the murders were not just any murders. Ibrahim’s victims, 25-year-old Hanny Tawadros and 27-year-old Amgad Konds, were Coptic Christians from Egypt. The bodies of both men...
As most Americans were enjoying the recent Thanksgiving holiday, many persecuted Christians in Egypt faced an almost daily barrage of assaults on their families, homes, and communities: ● November 22 – Ramy Ragy Bushra, a Christian man, was the victim of a break-in at...
The persecution of Christians around the world is at an all time high, but why are American churches silent? Next month will mark the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Does anyone in America know or even care? Most Christians in the West — if they...
“Please pray for Christians in Pakistan,” said CFI co-worker Akhtar of Pakistan. “They are facing a terrible situation,” he said. This morning, Muslim radicals attacked a church in Peshawar, Pakistan, killing at least 75 Christian men, women, and children. The death...
CFI’s Egyptian co-worker has reported that danger is on the rise for Coptic Christians in Egypt, in the aftermath of the U.S. embassy attack that took place on September 11. The attack, which was reportedly in retaliation for an anti-Islamic film created by an...