CFI recently received this urgent report from our program Director in Bangladesh regarding one of the pastors we support: Pastor Luke Sarker has survived an attempt on his life by three men who came to his home pretending to want to learn about Christianity. Luke...
CFI President Jim Jacobson speaks out for 27 Iraqi Christians who have fled Isis and are now seeking asylum in The United States. Please follow link to Fox News to read the rest of the article....
IRAQ — Christian Freedom International is distributing much needed, lifesaving food, medicine, school supplies, and other essential aid to refugee Christians in Iraq. “The situation is bad,” according to an experienced CFI co-worker on the ground in Iraq. “I have a...
The UNCHR is Failing Christian Asylum Seekers By CFI Field Staff BANGKOK, THAILAND — Christian Freedom International secured the release of Pakistani Christian asylum seekers from a Bangkok detention facility. For security reasons, their names and identities must...
Why You Are Important By CFI Field Staff The numbers are shocking. Almost 1.5 million Christians lived in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled his regime in 2003 and the rise of Islamic State, three-fourths of the country’s Christians...
Remember the Persecuted in Egypt By a CFI co-worker in Egypt CAIRO, EGYPT — This past February, there was brief, worldwide attention on the plight of minority Christians in Egypt as ISIS militants brutally beheaded 20 Egyptian Christians (and one from Ghana). The...