Congressman Frank Wolf Accepts Petitions On Behalf of CFI

Christian Freedom International stopped by Congressman Frank Wolf’s office yesterday afternoon to deliver 6,000 petitions urging the immediate release of Kenneth Bae in North Korea and Pastor Saeed Abedini in Iran—both of whom are U.S. citizens. Since his arrest and...

Free Asia Bibi

Free Asia Bibi Aasiya Noreen, or “Asia” Bibi, is a Christian woman awaiting “death by hanging” in Pakistan. This 42-year-old, impoverished mother of five is accused of “blasphemy.” She has been in prison on death row for nearly five years. Asia’s nightmare began in...

Beheadings of New Jersey Christians Suggest Persecution in the U.S.

In February 2013, Yusuf Ibrahim was arrested for double murder in Jersey City, New Jersey. But the murders were not just any murders. Ibrahim’s victims, 25-year-old Hanny Tawadros and 27-year-old Amgad Konds, were Coptic Christians from Egypt. The bodies of both men...

Remember the Who?

The persecution of Christians around the world is at an all time high, but why are American churches silent? Next month will mark the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Does anyone in America know or even care? Most Christians in the West — if they...