“Thank God for Christians in America.”
DHAKA, BANGLADESH — Life is hard for Muslim converts to Christianity in Bangladesh, but for people with disabilities, it is almost impossible.
That is why Christian Freedom International works among the poorest, disabled converts –helping them to survive.
Many are converting to Christianity in this Muslim nation, especially those with disabilities. The Gospel message of love, compassion, and hope is a stark contrast to the draconian statutes of Islam.
Converts to Christianity face many trials including death threats, or fatwahs, from the Muslim majority. Often, they are disowned from even their own families, and face a life of begging on the streets to survive. Those with disabilities face an almost impossible task of trying to survive from day to day. CFI works to assist the most oppressed, the most persecuted in Bangladesh with a helping hand to demonstrate the love of Christ.
The CFI coworkers in Dhaka ask for immediate help for Rabiul Islam, a blind convert, who has been suffering seriously from back pain and a gastric infection (ulcer). He is a street beggar. Standing all time in the roads or railway stations, he could not take care of his health.

Rabiul and his wife
Last December, Rabiul got sick and could not go out on the streets. His wife contacted CFI coworkers in Dhaka. They met and went to Rabiul’s home and found that they had no food to eat. CFI provided food for them. CFI coworkers prayed with them.
On the following day CFI coworkers brought Rabiul to a doctor. After treatment, he recovered. Two months later, Rabiul returned to begging in the streets.
Now Rabiul is sick again but has a new problem with pain in his spine. He needs an intensive medical examination. CFI coworkers in Dhaka are earnestly requesting caring Christians to pray for him. They request funds for the medical tests and treatment for Rabiul. Any amount that can be provided for Rabiul, and the many others like him, would be an enormous blessing for Christian converts in Bangladesh.
A doctor at the hospital in Dhaka says it will cost approximately $150 for medical tests and $50 for medicine. Please help Rabiul and other converts like him on the front lines of persecution in Bangladesh.
Our CFI coworker in Dhaka says, “we will appreciate prayerfully whatever CFI can send. Thank God for Christians in America. Thank you and may God bless you.”