In November 2014, Shami Bibi, 24, and her husband Shahzad Masih, 26, were burned alive in a brickyard outside Lahore, Pakistan.
An angry mob of Muslims beat to near-death the Christian couple for their alleged “blasphemy,” then threw them both – still alive – into a large brick furnace where they both worked as bonded servants. The martyred couple left behind four young children.
Through the support of CFI donors, the children of Shahzad and Shama have been receiving ongoing help. They have been living with their grandparents and extended family members outside Lahore.

Pictured is a CFI co-worker in Pakistan with three of the four orphaned children and a family member.
On March 19, the caretakers of the children contacted our CFI coworker in Pakistan. The children and their caretakers need additional help, right now, for new school clothes, food, and medicine.
A gift of $5, $10, or any amount, for the children would be tremendous blessing and help. Thank you for helping the fatherless and remembering the persecuted. Donate here.
“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” Psalm 82:3