When the resettlement initiative was approved by the U.S. State Department in 2007, CFI successfully fought for the inclusion of Christian Karen and Karenni from Burma. We worked with Former First Lady Laura Bush to convince U.S. and U.N. officials that these persecuted Christians must be resettled. Temporarily moving CFI headquarters to Sault Ste. Marie, MI, we established the Freedom Inn in 2009, a renovated motel which became affordable housing.
The room which used to be the motel lobby now serves as a joy-filled community room for school studies, language classes, celebrations, and even fitness exercises. New arrivals continue to join the community. The old motel pool is a garden where residents can grow fresh produce, many of them Asian items that are not usually sold in Michigan. The children are thriving, two have been state-level Spelling Bee competitors. The current group have all achieved their U.S. citizenship, and several have purchased homes. Praise God, after decades of living in fear and persecution, these refugees from Burma are finally living in peace and freedom.

Christian Freedom International’s Freedom Inn has become a model for immigrant assimilation. This refugee program, with the collective efforts of caring local Christians, has made a monumental difference for the Karen and Karenni refugee families. Many arrived in the U.S. with little, or no, knowledge of the things we take for granted every day. Plumbing, electric lighting, thermostats, regular and balanced meals, bank accounts, atm cards, vehicles–all were new experiences for them. From the jungles of Burma to the deep snows and blistering cold of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

“From Burma Refugee to U.S. Citizen…”
SAULT STE. MARIE — Kay Bee, who came to Sault Ste. Marie as a refugee from Burma seven years ago, was sworn in as a citizen of the United States in a ceremony at the Federal Courthouse in Marquette on Thursday, November 6.

From left, Kay Bee’s wife Sunlight Htoo, U.S. District Judge R. Allan Edgar, daughters Hei Ler Pwe and Shee Nea, with United States Citizen Kay Bee holding his son Saw Hei Soe
He came with his wife and daughters to Sault Ste. Marie where Christian Freedom International is helping Karen people find homes and jobs. He encountered freezing cold weather and unfamiliar customs, language and winter clothing. Over the years, his family and the others, have integrated into their new surroundings, finding jobs, attending church, and buying homes. One young woman is attending college. Another is taking advanced math in middle school. As Bee’s English improved he began taking citizenship classes with Duane Steffenhagen and passed the test on his first try. Each of the adults have their own terrible stories of escaping the brutality of the Burmese military and some bear the wounds of the violence of land mines, shrapnel and chemical weapons, experiences and memories their children will be spared.
Kay Bee remembers the horror of running with his neighbors to hide in caves when the Burmese military flew overhead. Others describe hiding in holes in the ground to escape detection, often hiding during the daytime and going out at night. Kay Bee’s friend’s pregnant mother was killed when she was spotted by the military when she went back to the village to feed her animals.
Bee’s family and neighbors raised rice for food. “We had a farm and all the people planted rice for food and when it came time to harvest the rice, we had to give it to the Burmese army.” His family finally fled through the jungle to a refugee camp in Thailand where he lived until the U.S. government granted him permission to come to the U.S.
“I am excited and encouraged because my children became citizens too. My children are young now and my plans are to support them so they will get a good education. I have to work hard and save my money and someday my children can go to college. I want them to become something. In Burma and the refugee camp we didn’t have money to send them to school. Mostly rich people could send their children to school.” Bee said about becoming a U.S. Citizen, “When we lived in the refugee camp there was no opportunity for them. There were no jobs for them and if they wanted to work they had to ask for permission from the Thai government. There’s no future for young people and they get involved in drugs.
“When I compare those with and without education, their life is different, their thinking, their view of the future. I tell my children all the time that their lives will be different with and without education. Everyone eats and dies but with an education you eat differently.”
Most admit missing their home country but like living in Sault Ste. Marie because it is a quiet, hospitable and safe place to live and raise children, free from the fears they experienced in Burma and Thailand.
Article by Leslie Askwith, Soo Evening News (11/11/14) www.sooeveningnews.com

Serving the Persecuted Church since 1998.
Christian Freedom Intl.
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