Other Policies
POLICY: Conflict of Interest Statement
All trustees, officers, agents, and employees of this organization shall disclose all real or apparent conflict of interest that they discover or that have been brought to their attention in connection with this organization’s activities.
A “conflict of interest” occurs where a person is responsible for promoting the interest of the ministry at the same time he or she is involved in a competing personal interest (financial, business, or personal).
“Disclosure” shall mean providing properly, to the appropriate person, a written description of the facts comprising the real or apparent conflict of interest. An annual disclosure statement shall be circulated to trustees, officers, and certain identified agents and employees to assist them in considering such disclosures, but disclosure is appropriate and required whenever conflicts of interest may occur. The written notices of disclosures shall be filed with the Chief Executive Officer, or such other person designated by the Chief Executive Officer, to receive such notifications. At the meeting of the Board of Directors all disclosures of real or apparent conflict of interest shall be noted for the record in the minutes.
An individual trustee, officer, agent, or employee who believes that he or she or a member of his or her immediate family might have a real or apparent conflict of interest, in addition to filing a notice of disclosure, must abstain from:
1) Participating in discussions or deliberations with respect to the subject of the conflict (other than to present factual information or to answer questions);
2) Using his or her personal influence to affect deliberations;
3) Making motions;
4) Voting;
5) Executing agreements;
6) Or taking similar actions on behalf of the organizations where the conflict of interest might pertain by law, agreement, or otherwise.
At the discretion of the Board or the Executive Committee thereof, a person with a real or apparent conflict of interest may be excused from all or any portion of discussion or deliberations with respect to the subject of the conflict.
A member of the Board or a committee thereof, who, having disclosed a conflict of interest, nevertheless shall be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting in which the subject of the conflict is discussed. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect the individual’s disclosure, the vote thereon, and the individual’s abstention from participation and voting.
The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that all trustees, officers, agents, employees, and independent contractors of Christian Freedom International are made aware of the organization’s policy with respect to conflicts of interest.
Christian Freedom International does allow family members and relatives of employees to be considered for employment, provided they are qualified for the position and no other conflict of interest exists. Hiring decisions will be the exclusive responsibility of CFI Management.
POLICY: Suspected Misconduct, Dishonesty, Fraud, and Whistle-blower Protection
If any person knows of or has a suspicion about misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud, the Chairman of the Board or the President should be contacted. If the alleged wrongdoing concerns the Chairman of the Board or the President, then any other officer or director of the organization should be notified instead.
If the Chairman of the Board, the President, or other officer of the organization receives information about misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud, they shall inform the Board (or alternately, the Executive Committee) which shall determine the procedure for investigating all credible allegations.
At all times, the privacy and reputation of individuals involved will be respected. There will be no punishment or other retaliation for the reporting of conduct under this policy. If the person providing the information requests anonymity, this request will be respected to the extent that doing so does not impede any investigation.
Policy: Retention & Destruction of Records:
All records pertaining to any financial/audit/tax-related transaction shall be held securely on site for seven years in accordance to GAAP. After such time they will be destroyed by either management-supervised staff or a certified destruction company (shredder). Under no circumstances will financial documents ever be disposed of in any trash receptacle. All records pertaining to policy, management, programs shall be retained indefinitely for a minimum of seven years and may be disposed of in any way thereafter. All records pertaining to any employee shall be permanently retained on site in a secure location.
Policy: CEO Compensation:
In accordance with ECFA guidelines, CEO compensation will be reviewed and determined annually by the CFI Board of Directors, with consideration of industry standards.