Christian Asylum Seekers Need Our Prayers

Christian Asylum Seekers Need Our Prayers “ . . . these persecuted Christian, urban refugees scrape by in limbo, more vulnerable than refugees living in a refugee camp.” By CFI Field Staff BANGKOK, THAILAND — After receiving numerous death threats and beatings from...

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Their Blood Cries Out

Current headlines run red with Christian blood. As I write, two groups of Ethiopians have been slaughtered by ISIS murderers in different parts of Libya. This follows a mass execution of 21 Christians in Libya earlier this year. Add to that the deaths, mostly...

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Churches Bombed, Christians Killed in Pakistan

Churches Bombed, Christians Killed in Pakistan “I am completely devastated by the incident that took place today…” By CFI Field Staff LAHORE, PAKISTAN — On Sunday, during worship service, two Muslim suicide bombers outside two churches in Lahore, Pakistan, killed at...

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Pakistan Thanks You for Your Support

The Persecuted Church in Pakistan thanks you for your support. We want to share a ministry update on how your prayers and support are making a lifesaving difference for persecuted Christians on the front lines. We recently told you of an urgent need for security...

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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

How faithful would your church attendance be if you could be arrested or killed for attending? This “decision” is made by tens of thousands of Christians around the world each Sunday. Most believers today, especially in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, face growing...

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Are Christians Persecuted in America?

Are Christians Persecuted in America? 3 core issues that critics either do not know, deny, or ignore… A recent article in The Atlantic (August 4, 2014) by Alan Noble has sparked debate over the existence of persecution of Christians in America. Do Christians face...

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7/29/14 URGENT Prayer Alert:

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST FOR CHRISTIANS IN IRAQ: Please continue to be fervently in prayer for the devastating reality that Christians in Iraq are facing today, as Christianity in Iraq has reached a crisis point of drastic decline.  Christians in Iraq have been faced...

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Four Reasons Why God Wants Us to Remember the Persecuted

“Most of us have our own problems, headaches, heartaches, and complex issues we are dealing with.  We have needs, wants, and desires ourselves, so why would God want us to think about somebody else?” Why did God tell us to “remember the Persecuted”? 1. By helping...

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Three Reasons Churches Do Not “Remember the Persecuted.”

Three Reasons Churches Do Not “Remember the Persecuted.” The Bible is clear, as Christians we are supposed to “remember the persecuted.” (Hebrews 13:3) Moreover, we are supposed to assist our brothers and sisters in Christ, first and foremost. (Galatians 6:10). So, if...

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Kate’s Amazing Testimony

“If I were to sum up my last three months in one word it would simply be, incredible. I’ve always been a sort of culture-vulture, someone who feels the most alive when I’m surrounded by a language I don’t understand and a group of people whose culture I do not yet...

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