Easter Sunday Bombing Devastation Continues in Pakistan

This past Easter Sunday in Lahore, Pakistan, a Muslim suicide bomber killed more than 70 men, women, and children, and injured more than 300 in a Christian targeted bombing during an Easter celebration at a popular local park for Lahore’s Christian community. The...

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URGENT: Help Christians in Lahore

A Muslim suicide bomber killed at least 70 people, mostly Christian women and children, at a park in Lahore on Easter Sunday. A Pakistani Muslim Taliban faction claimed responsibility for the bombing, and said it had intentionally targeted Christians. More than 300...

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Remember the Fatherless

In November 2014, Shami Bibi, 24, and her husband Shahzad Masih, 26, were burned alive in a brickyard outside Lahore, Pakistan. An angry mob of Muslims beat to near-death the Christian couple for their alleged “blasphemy,” then threw them both – still alive – into a...

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Why Are Christians Suffering in the Middle East?

In reflecting during my morning devotions on the Words of Jesus, I was amazed in a new way about something He said regarding persecution. In John 16:1-4, Jesus said, “…in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They...

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Attempted Murder of Pastor in Bangladesh

CFI recently received this urgent report from our program Director in Bangladesh regarding one of the pastors we support: Pastor Luke Sarker has survived an attempt on his life by three men who came to his home pretending to want to learn about Christianity. Luke...

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Remembering the Persecuted in Iraq

IRAQ — Christian Freedom International is distributing much needed, lifesaving food, medicine, school supplies, and other essential aid to refugee Christians in Iraq. “The situation is bad,” according to an experienced CFI co-worker on the ground in Iraq. “I have a...

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UNHCR Failing Christian Asylum Seekers

The UNCHR is Failing Christian Asylum Seekers By CFI Field Staff   BANGKOK, THAILAND — Christian Freedom International secured the release of Pakistani Christian asylum seekers from a Bangkok detention facility. For security reasons, their names and identities must...

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Why You Are Important

Why You Are Important By CFI Field Staff The numbers are shocking. Almost 1.5 million Christians lived in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled his regime in 2003 and the rise of Islamic State, three-fourths of the country’s Christians...

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Remember the Persecuted in Egypt

Remember the Persecuted in Egypt By a CFI co-worker in Egypt CAIRO, EGYPT — This past February, there was brief, worldwide attention on the plight of minority Christians in Egypt as ISIS militants brutally beheaded 20 Egyptian Christians (and one from Ghana). The...

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