Burma’s military has murdered, raped, conscripted child soldiers, destroyed crops, livestock, villages, medical clinics and schools. The Karen Christian villagers from this remote area have suffered decades of human rights abuses in the longest current war in the world. In spite of years of “peace talks” and cease fire agreements, the government of Burma continues to restrict, oppress, and persecute the Christians from Karen, Karenni, Kachin, and other nearby states in Burma.

Missionary-trained students at CFI’s Victory Bible Academy take their ministry work inside Burma seriously. Most of the Bible school students are from a near-by refugee camp, filled with Karen people from Burma who fled an oppressive government that persecutes Christians. Other students heard about Christian Freedom International’s school and trekked from their villages to get Bible and vocational training.
Now these young adults were ready to put their training into action. Those who had been persecuted would now minister to the persecuted and oppressed. Who better to reach Karen people than other Karen?
These students know the deep needs and broken spirits of their community. The elderly who are isolated and home-bound in their huts. Youth, with no hope for a future, turning to drugs and alcohol, and to gangs for emotional connection and security in a land that at any moment can be bombed and strafed with gunfire. Whole societies who are dependent, not on God, but on foreign aid, and disillusioned by corrupt governments.
Many villagers lack church leaders. Some have pastors that visit once or twice a year. Missions teams visit but fail to connect people to local churches for discipleship.

Christian Freedom International’s Victory Bible Academy students silk-screening t-shirts to sell through our micro enterprise program.
Victory Bible Academy, our core Ministry to the Christian refugees of Burma, is a haven to these severely oppressed young brethren. At Victory, students can live in safety as they gain a structured knowledge of the Word of God. They study academics, computer, financial management, vocational training, agriculture and livestock management. Students enjoy sports and music programs as they train to become pastors, evangelists, missionaries, worship leaders, church assistants.

In addition to Victory, our program to develop Christian leaders includes asylum aid, resettlement assistance, and scholarships to persecuted Christians from countries such as Pakistan and Burma.

Serving the Persecuted Church since 1998.
Christian Freedom Intl.
Long-time friend of CFI, Dominic Sputo, shares compelling Scriptural insights on how God’s command to genuinely love one another—especially our brothers and sisters in Christ—applies to the Persecuted Church. Proceeds from purchases made through this link will go to the ministry of CFI.