Our Mission
The mission of Christian Freedom International is to help Christians who are persecuted and suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ. We are a non-denominational human rights organization providing real solutions to conditions of oppression and misery caused by religious persecution. We reach the part of the persecuted Church that is the most repressed, most at risk, and most isolated. In areas of disaster, we provide immediate relief to Christians, and their communities, who are ignored by conventional aid organizations. It is our privilege to minister to the Persecuted through Bible distribution, medical aid, resettlement assistance, advocacy, asylum case-work, and aid to the disabled; to sponsor schools, vocational training, and self-help initiatives; to provide these services at no charge by CFI staff and volunteers. It is our goal to work together with Christians at home to ease the burdens of our struggling brethren around the world.

Since 1998, Christian Freedom International has been on the forefront in the battle for the rights of persecuted Christians around the world. CFI has come to the aid of thousands of suffering men, women, and children through the distribution of food, water, medicine, clothing, Bibles, and other basic supplies in countries where persecution is most intense. CFI has built field hospitals, schools in refugee camps, Bible Schools, and Centers to aid disabled Christians. But CFI’s work is not limited to the distribution of relief aid. Over the years, CFI has consistently remained active as a “voice for the voiceless” in Washington, DC, providing political advocacy and practical grassroots action on behalf of the millions of Christians who routinely suffer for their faith.
The CFI logo is of a lone CFI Backpack medic delivering aid to Christians in the war-zones of Burma. In 1998, CFI pioneered the backpack medic program and the lifesaving work has continued ever since.
Statement of Faith
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13:3
We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity and humanity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His present rule as Head of the Church and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful men regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved, to eternal life, and the lost, to eternal punishment.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, equal before God and made in His image.

CFI President Wendy Wright with Pastor and Sunday School class in Bangladesh
CFI President Wendy Wright
Wendy’s work to protect “the least of these,” people whose lives are endangered or at risk of exploitation, has influenced decision-makers from religious and civic leaders, parents and teens, medical professionals, business owners, UN diplomats, Congressmen, and the White House.
Wendy gained national attention on a variety of issues, including defending unborn children, challenging the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) on controversial drugs for women and children, U.S. ratification of UN human rights treaties, and protecting patients’ and medical professionals’ right of conscience. She has trained leaders of civic organizations in Mexico, briefed Spain’s political leaders on successful pro-life policies, and taught at a Bible school in Sri Lanka.
Wendy has testified at U.S. Congressional hearings and state legislatures, addressed UN meetings, briefed European legislators and Latin American leaders, and gained UN accreditation for two non-governmental organizations. She has been an expert speaker at numerous conferences, college classes and teen camps.
Wendy know’s what it is to suffer for her faith, she was sentenced – twice – to six months in jail for praying and declining to promise to not do it again. Her cases, based on freedom of religion and speech, were decided by the U.S. Supreme Court and several state courts.
Wendy formerly served as president of Concerned Women for America. She has appeared in every major newspaper, TV and radio network, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News, NPR and many others. Her editorials have been published in the Washington Post, Christianity Today, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Ethics and Medics Journal, American Spectator, Washington Times, Human Events, American Thinker, The Hill and elsewhere.
Abroad there are many dedicated, courageous, competent staff members in countries where CFI work is ongoing who deliver medicine, educate children, deliver Bibles, and lift up the name of Jesus Christ under very dangerous and trying circumstances. We do not disclose their names for their own safety.
Wendy Wright, President, CEO
Lisa Jones, Executive Director
Kelly Davis, Graphic Artist & Visual Media Specialist
Jack Kinney, The Freedom Inn Director
CFI Consultants
Beecher Bowers, Website Manager
Melane Bower, Consultant
- Will Buehler, Chairman
- Wendy Wright, President
- Lisa Jones, Secretary/Treasurer
- Michael G. Forrester, M.D.*
- Ben Bull*
- Kerstin Liebner RN, MSN *
- Brent Meyers*
*Independent Voting Members
- Former Ambassador Faith Whittlesey, Chairman of the Board Emeritus
- Dr. Michael Farris, Chairman of the Board Emeritus
- U.S. Senator Don Nickles

Serving the Persecuted Church since 1998.
Christian Freedom Intl.
Long-time friend of CFI, Dominic Sputo, shares compelling Scriptural insights on how God’s command to genuinely love one another—especially our brothers and sisters in Christ—applies to the Persecuted Church. Proceeds from purchases made through this link will go to the ministry of CFI.